Reation and development of the quality culture in postgraduate training at Hanoi Metropolitan University

Quality culture is an organization’s system of values that creates an environment conducive to the development and continual improvement of quality. In the current situation, the quality culture is the fundamental factor that helps the universities to implement quality improvement activities to create and affirm their brands. Because when successfully creating a quality culture, all members of the school are aware of their job quality and follow the requirements of the required quality. At this moment, Hanoi Metropolitan University is carrying out accrediting and quality assurance activities in order to create and affirm its training brand as a prestigious career-oriented multidisciplinary university which is leading in the country. In which, creating a model to ensure the quality of graduated training towards successfully creating a quality culture inside the university is the leading strategy in accrediting and ensuring education quality of Hanoi Metropolitan University. The article analyzes the characteristics, roles and introduce a number of quality culture models, thereby identifying the basis for the formation and development of  a quality culture that contributes to the achievement of the goal of training quality assurance post graduated training from Hanoi Metropolitan University.

Vu Thi Quynh*

* Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities, Hanoi Metropolitan University.


21/09/2023 11:43:38
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