Điều kiện bảo đảm thực hiện đào tạo thạc sĩ quản lí giáo dục ứng dụng tại trường đại học Thủ đô Hà Nội theo tiếp cận AUN-QA

The model of quality assurance in the Southeast Asian university network (AUN-QA) was built in 2006, with three levels: (1) strategic level (University- level quality assurance), (2) system level (internal quality assurance system) and (3) implementation level (curriculum level quality  assurance).  AUN- QA’s curriculum-level quality assurance model comprehensively covers the components of the higher education ecosystem at the curriculum level, with     an emphasis on quality assurance systems and processes. The conditions for training quality assurance include factors such as: quality of staff, quality of facilities and equipment, quality of student support services, training programs, teaching methods and learning methods, assessing the quality of learners, information systems, etc. Ensuring the conditions for the implementation of the training curriculum to meet the standards and criteria is the basis for improving the quality of training and implementing continuous quality improvement for training curriculums in universities. University in general and the Master’s curriculum in Applied-Oriented Education Management at Hanoi Metropolitan University in particular.

TS. Nguyễn Thị Yến Thoa*

* Trường ĐH Thủ đô Hà Nội.

21/09/2023 11:21:16
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