Đào tạo sau đaại học gắn kết với nghiên cứu khoa học

Executive Summary: Postgraduate training (i.e.., master’ and doctorate training) constitutes one of the important tasks undertaken by higher education institutions. They are providers of scientific and academic personnel in many different fields, ranging from economics, politics, social  to  cultural  studies and education... with different qualifications. Postgraduate training in the current context requires higher education institutions to improve training quality, link training with academic research, make students aware of their profile and importance upon obtaining a noble qualification, translating the learned knowledge into real life to address the contemporary issues posed by society. The article points out the importance of postgraduate training linked with academic research, affirming that academic research is the key task that demonstrates the student’s level and capacity for  independent  research.  On that basis, the article puts forth requirements for postgraduate students, i.e.,      to firmly capture the theoretical and practical grounds of the research topic,      to compare and contrast with existing knowledge toward addressing practical issues, considering it a measure of innovation and creativity in the training process. The article proposes solutions to link postgraduate training with academic research in higher education institutions.

PGS.TS. Nguyễn Dục Quang*

* Trường Đại học Sư phạm Hà Nội 2.

21/09/2023 10:49:29
1 phút