International conference proceedings Quality assurance of application - Oriented Postgraduate education: International experience and practice in Vietnam

Proceedings include presentations by international and Vietnamese researchers participating in the International Scientific Conference on Postgraduate Training with the theme “Quality Assurance of Application-Oriented Postgraduate Education: international experience and practice in Vietnam” organized by Hanoi Metropolitan University on September 16th, 2023.

The Conference Organizing Committee has received 115 presentations, from which 80 articles have been selected in the full text and presented at the Conference. Ensuring the quality of training in general and application-oriented postgraduate training has become a deep concern not only of educational managers but also of many domestic and foreign researchers. This conference proceedings bring together the latest researches of managers, especially foreign and Vietnamese scientists. Researchers on application-oriented graduate training quality assurance come from countries with very developed educational backgrounds such as Russia, Japan, Thailand... Vietnamese researchers come from famous universities, research centers in Hanoi, Hue, Da Nang Ho Chi Minh City, and other organizations.

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14/09/2023 10:02:32 | Số lần xem: 5
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