E-learnspace: A study of effective online teaching with google workspace tools

With technological and communication advancements, online teaching has become a popular form of education. Google Workspace tools are widely used in online teaching. However, how to teach online effectively is a matter that needs to be studied in order to find a suitable model for educational institutions. This study was conducted by observing and evaluating documents analysis and online teaching practice at the university level in Vietnam. During nearly two years of online teaching, a survey was conducted among 360 students and 12 lecturers of the Hanoi Metropolitan University. This research aimed to investigate the current situation and challenges of online teaching. The research questions were: How to effectively use Google Workspace tools in universities? Research findings proposed an online learning space model (E-Learnspace) based on the application of Google Workspace tools, which allows studying and working communities to perform online in a large space with central management. We believe that lecturers and students will be more comfortable to access, easier to use, more effective, and simpler in both management and teaching when using this model.

Ngoc Son Pham* Bui Thanh Dat**

* Hanoi Metropolitan University, Vietnam, https://orcid.org/0000-0001-6961-6717.

** Hanoi Department of Home Affairs.


21/09/2023 11:28:29
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