The contribution by the stakeholders in asessing the quality of application-oriented postgraduate training of English language at Hanoi Metropolitan University

In recent years, many universities have actively improved the quality of application-oriented training programs to meet the needs of society as well as ensure the postgraduate training quality (PTQ) with the active participation of stakeholders. However, the determination of the classification criteria, the concept of the stakeholder as well as the contribution of the stakeholders     to quality assurance (QA), especially PTQ, is still a question with no the satisfactory answer. This article presents and determines the role and level of contributions made by the stakeholders in ensuring the quality of application- oriented postgraduate training of the English Language at Hanoi Metropolitan University in order to provide recommendations to help educational institutions have an overview in developing strategies to ensure PTQ of English language in particular and other postgraduate trainings in general, thereby enhancing the position, promoting the image and affirming the brand name of the university.

Tran Quoc Viet* Nguyen Thi Bich Lien**

*, ** Hanoi Metropolitan University.

21/09/2023 14:19:11
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