Training quality management at universities in the current digital transformation context

The quality of training reflects the response to the training objectives and societal requirements. Quality management can be understood as the realization of goals and the satisfaction of the subject’s and the object’s demands. Digital transformation is an inevitable trend in the context of integration and globalization, which lead to a comprehensive change in the form and the content of university management today, and bring about numerous benefits to higher education in general. Managing the quality of training at universities in the context of digital transformation, however, requires the management subject to comprehensively innovate, starting from raising awareness and capacity formation, to the implementation of management solutions, which is crucial in enhancing the effectiveness in training quality management at universities.

Dr. Nguyen Dang Trung* Assoc. Prof. Dr. Tran Thi Minh Hang**

* Hanoi Capital University.

** National Academy of Education Management.

21/09/2023 11:18:04
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