Practice-oriented training in cocial sciences PhD program: Russian experience

Introduction. Modern scientific and innovative educational programs for preparing graduate students in Russia are oriented towards the development of fundamental and exploratory research in priority areas of science and technology, as well as finding ways to improve the effectiveness of traditional and innovative educational technologies in the context of digital transformation. The implementation of such programs in postgraduate education is most effective when the learning process is organized in a practice-oriented manner. Practice-oriented training of graduate students in the field of social sciences is an important part of higher education in Russia. This type of education is designed to develop practical research skills in graduate students that they can use in conducting their own research and in their future careers as researchers. Education is based on a combination of academic learning and practical experience, which allows graduate students to gain a deeper understanding of research problems that arise in their scientific work.

The aim of the article is to analyze the implementation of the model of practice-oriented training of graduate students in Russian universities (Russian State Social University (Moscow, Russia) and Ivanovo State University (Ivanovo, Shuya, Russia).

Methods. Theoretical analysis of scientific achievements of practice-oriented educational programs of graduate school in the field of pedagogy and education, psychology, social work, comparative pedagogical method, generalization and pedagogical modeling were used in the work.

* Corresponding author, Ivanovo State University, Ivanovo, Russia.

** Russian State Social University, Moscow, Russia.

*** Hanoi Metropolitan University, Hanoi, Vietnam.

**** Hanoi Metropolitan University, Hanoi, Vietnam.

***** University of Languages and International Studies - VNU.


Results: The mechanisms of practice-oriented training of graduate students in the field of social sciences have been detailed. The Russian experience has been presented, which allowed developing a strategy for integrating academic training and practical learning. The scientific and educational technology in practice-oriented postgraduate training - service learning technology - has been presented, and its features have been described (search focus, formed research competencies of graduate students: research skills, scientific communication skills, data analysis skills, problem-solving skills, time management skills, teaching skills, etc.). The advantages and problems of using service learning technology in practice-oriented training of scientific and pedagogical personnel in graduate school have been identified. Recommendations have been made on optimizing and harmonizing the goals, tasks, and programs of practice-oriented interaction between universities and organizations.

Practical significance. The materials of the article can serve as a basis for creating an effective system of practice-oriented education in graduate school and increasing the competitiveness of young researchers in social sciences.

Assoc. Prof. Dr.Sc. Elena A. Shmeleva* , Prof. Dr.Sc. Pavel A. Kislyakov** Dr. Kien T. Phan***, PhD. Ngoc T. Ha****, Dr. Ngoc DH Pham


21/09/2023 09:12:58 | Số lần xem: 1
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