Factors affect the supply chain flexibility of manufacturing companies and applied education and training orientation in Vietnam

Supply chain flexibility (SCF) originates from manufacturing flexibility. This concept was studied early in the world and thrived from the 1980s to the present. According to research results, a flexible supply chain can help member companies change and adapt to volatilities in the business environment. There are many factors affecting SCF, in which the human factor and the company’s strategy play a vital role. These issues have not been studied in Vietnam. Therefore, the author has distilled the theoretical basis of SCF, formed a theoretical framework, and developed hypotheses and research models to understand the role of personnel in SCF. Using quantitative research methods with the support of SPSS 22 AMOS 20 software, the author analyzes survey data from 354 companies in the manufacturing industry in Vietnam. The results show that there is an influence from strategic and personnel factors on SCF. From there, the writer gives implications about application-oriented education and training in Vietnam.

Nguyen Thanh Thuy*

* Lecturer, Faculty of Economics and Management, Thang Long University.

21/09/2023 14:31:51
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