On 19/4/2017 was the meeting between representatives of the two universities. From HNMU, there are Associate prof. Dang Van Soa – vice rector of HNMU, Dr. Pham Ngoc Son – Head of the Department of Science Technology and Coperation Development, Lecturers and students from Division of Chinese – HNMU. The representative of QXNU are Mr. Tong Khoi Quan – Head of Department of International Cooperation and Ms. Ly Thai Mai – Head of International Affair Division.

HNMU students in the meeting

Base on the agreement of cooperation and exchange educational program between HNMU and Guangxi Normal University (QXNU)

On 19/4/2017 was the meeting between representatives of the two universities. From HNMU, there are Associate prof. Dang Van Soa – vice rector of HNMU, Dr. Pham Ngoc Son – Head of the Department of Science Technology and Coperation Development, Lecturers and students from Division of Chinese – HNMU. The representative of QXNU are Mr. Tong Khoi Quan – Head of Department of International Cooperation and Ms. Ly Thai Mai – Head of International Affair Division.

The meeting also mentioned several scholarships in China for Chinese students of HNMU.

HNMU and QXNU have established close relationship since 2010. Since then, there have been 5 groups (45students) of students of HNMU going to QXNU for studying Chinese. There have been 4 groups of Chinese students (35 students) have come to Hanoi to learn Vietnamese and other social subjects in Vietnamese. Besides, 5 lecturers of HNMU have come to QXNU for teaching Vietnamese.

In the meeting, 2 universities’ representatives have agreed on several educational and cooperative aspects: improving Vietnamese learning in QXNU, improving number of exchange students through scholarship programs and cultural exchange program. Besides, the 2 university develop communicational activities in order to help both institutes to build reputation and develop.

On this meeting, the represenatives from QXNU met and offered some scholarships for Chinese students of HNMU. The representatives of QXNU introduced the history and development of their university as well as provided helpful information about the scholarships for students.


10/08/2018 16:09:47
2 minutes