Đào tạo trình độ sau đại học theo định hướng ứng dụng: Kinh nghiệm trung quốc và bài học cho Việt Nam

Currently, application-oriented postgraduate training in Vietnam is a trend that is interested and developed by a large number of training institutions. The training program requires design facilities aimed at providing learners with methods and ways that are highly practical application and do not focus heavily on reasoning. This article will present the current situation of postgraduate education in Vietnam and China. From there, will be proposed to open up for Vietnam, in the context of globalization and international integration.

Trần Thị Diễm Trinh* Nguyễn Thuỳ Linh

Trường Đại học Luật Thành phố Hồ Chí Minh.

21/09/2023 09:47:38 | Số lần xem: 2
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