Building a quality culture in China's postgraduate training and hints for Vietnam

This article introduces issues in the process of building a quality culture in Chinese graduate training. Use document analysis to synthesize and analyze information. Stemming from the connotation, composition and function of the quality culture in graduate education, combined with the actual situation of building a quality culture in Chinese graduate education institutions, there are point out difficulties and challenges in the implementation process and learn useful experiences on building a culture of quality in graduate education. The collected information shows that although there are shortcomings, the process of building a quality culture in China’s graduate education has had many positive results. These are valuable lessons for Vietnam in the process of gradually building and developing a quality culture in graduate training.

PhD Nguyen Thanh Tu*

* Faculty of Quality Management, VNU University of Education.

21/09/2023 11:41:32 | Số lần xem: 1
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