Academicwell - Being of postgraduate student sand the quality of postgraduate education

Introduction. The search for tools to improve the efficiency of scientific research and educational activities of postgraduate students and young scientists determines the study of their well-being and value-need sphere. Academic well- being is characterized as a dynamic state that includes potential for achieving personal and social goals. The academic well-being of a postgraduate student is determined by the correspondence of personal qualities and professional (educational and scientific) goals and skills, the opportunity for their development, resources available to postgraduates, as well as characteristics of the community and culture to which they belong and which create conditions for success. Failure to achieve academic well-being of postgraduate students leads to loss of educational and scientific motivation, uncertainty, emotional burnout, crisis, problems with mental and physical health, procrastination.

The aim of the article is to identify the main groups of factors that may be associated with academic well-being of postgraduate students in the field of education as a condition for ensuring the quality of postgraduate education.

Methods. Analysis of the theses of the annual international conference on mental health and well-being of postgraduate students held in Brighton; articles by European, American and Russian researchers, comparison, generalization.

Results: Factors of academic well-being of  postgraduate  students  in the field of education have been summarized: pedagogical (educational and environmental: experience and academic skills, educational and scientific infrastructure, “boiling points”), psychological (intrapersonal, interpersonal:



* Russian State Social University, Moscow, Russia.

** Ivanovo State University, Ivanovo, Russia.

*** Hanoi Metropolitan University, Hanoi, Vietnam.

**** Hanoi National University of Education, Hanoi, Vietnam.


self-realization, innovation potential, resilience, relationships with scientific supervisor, relationships within the collective), social or institutional (academic identity and scientific school, factor of social community and social service). Factors of academic well-being (educational, psychological, mental, subjective) are understood as variables related to the quality of postgraduate education.

Practical significance. Directions for development of a support system and achievement of academic well-being of postgraduate students have been identified in three areas: academic development, psychological support, social integration.

Prof. Dr.Sc. Pavel A. Kislyakov* Assoc. Prof. Dr.Sc. Elena A. Shmeleva**

Dr. Huong T. M. Dang*** Dr. Khanh Q. Mai****

21/09/2023 11:04:34 | Số lần xem: 2
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