Những vấn đề có tính nguyên tắc và tiêu chí nâng cao chất lượng đào tạo sáu đại học chuyên ngành Khoa học xã hội và Nhân văn hiện nay

Social sciences and humanities encompass an extensive body of knowledge dedicated to the study of human and society, involving the comprehension of their nature, the laws governing their formation, existence and development. Training social science and humanities at postgraduate level serves as one of the focal points and core elements of the comprehensive reform in the field of education and training, meeting the country’s demands for enhancing human resources’ quality and human development in the new era of industrialization and modernization. Therefore, it requires a synchronized implementation of the fundamental issues and criteria for improving the quality of education in the field of social sciences and humanity in Vietnam.

 Nguyễn Linh Chi*

* Trường Đại học Hà Nội.


21/09/2023 10:43:34
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