Traning course on enhancing professional English presentation skills

Aiming to enhance communicative English skill for lecturers and staffs, on 23rd March, 2017, Hanoi Metropolitan University (HNMU) held a training course on “Professional English presentation skills” The course had the participation of the Language specialist of the U.S. Embassy Dr. Eric Wenniger; Vice-Rector of HNMU Prof. Dang Van Soa; representatives of the Hoa Binh LaTrobe School, the Brendon Primary School, the Nguyen Binh Khiem School, Pegasus International College; lecturers and staffs of HNMU.

Paticipants attended the training course

The course had the participation of the Language specialist of the U.S. Embassy Dr. Eric Wenniger; Vice-Rector of HNMU Prof. Dang Van Soa; representatives of the Hoa Binh LaTrobe School, the Brendon Primary School, the Nguyen Binh Khiem School, Pegasus International College; lecturers and staffs of HNMU.

Speaking at the opening ceremony, Vice-Rector of HNMU Prof. Dang Van Soa emphasized that the school always pays attention to training courses on improving English skills for lecturers and staffs. Therefore, there were many programs such as scientific conferences, training courses… focusing on improving the foreign languages teaching and learning quality in the recent years. In addition, He also thanked the U.S. Embassy in Vietnam for facilitating and supporting to organize this training course.

At the course, Dr. Eric Wenniger introduced to participants the basic skills on listening, response and feedback and he hoped the participants would be more confident and active in English communication.

The course was successful, receiving active responses of all participants.


06/11/2018 11:08:40 | Number of views: 9
2 minutes