In the framework of the project “The Lower Mekong Initiative” (LMI), the training course on “Professional English presentation skills” was taken place at University of Languages & International Studies – VNU, from 5th to 9th December 2016.

In the framework of the project “The Lower Mekong Initiative” (LMI), the training course on “Professional English presentation skills” was taken place at University of Languages & International Studies – VNU, from 5th to 9th December 2016.

The course themed “Education” attracting the participation of many lecturers and experts from universities and research institutes in the North of Viet Nam such as Hanoi University of Industry, Hanoi Pedagogical University 2, Vinh University,  National Institute Of Hygiene And Epidemiology, Hanoi Metropolitan University…

The focus in this course was on professional English presentation skills including the Introduction: introducing yourself and subject of the presentation; Body: main message of the presentation; and Conclusion: Summarizing and drawing conclusions. During the training course, trainees had the opportunity to practice to improve their English skills, as well as to exchange teaching experiences among universities and institutes.

Finishing the course, trainees were awarded certificate of completion of training.

The Lower Mekong Initiative (LMI) is a multinational partnership effort initiated by the United States in 2009 to promote greater cooperation in the Mekong sub-region. The effort is focused on: Agriculture and Food Security, Connectivity, Education, Energy Security, Environment and Water, Gender, Health and other and cross-cutting issues. LMI has been designed to serve as a forum for partners to develop shared responses to the most pressing cross-border development challenges.


13/08/2018 10:55:31
2 minutes