Đào tạo trình độ thạc sĩ chuyên ngành quản lý giáo dục theo định hướng ứng dụng góp phần nâng cao chất lượng đội ngũ cán bộ quản lý sau đại học tại các cơ sở giáo dục nghề nghiệp tư thục trong bối cảnh hiện nay

Management staff is identified as a decisive factor in the revitalization of VET. Therefore, one of the important measures to enhance the overall quality of human resource training in VET institutions in general, and private VET institutions in particular, is the implementation of standardized VET manager training. This initiative aims to fulfill the demands of both domestic and international labor markets in the current context. This is considered one of the solutions to develop vocational education and training (VET) contributing to improving human resources’ quality, elevating labor productivity and fostering national competitiveness in the new situation. The article includes: (i). Some general issues on the standards of VET management staff; (ii). The situation and requirements to improve the quality of VET staff; (iii) Master’s training in application-oriented education management - a basic measure to improve the quality of VET managing staff in accordance with the standardized requirements in the current international integration process.

NCS. Tạ Đức Phòng*

* Trường Trung cấp Quốc tế Hà Nội.

21/09/2023 14:21:39
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