In order to share and exchanges opinions and methods in preschool education as well as recommend solution for improving the quality of care and teaching preschool children in VN, HNMU organized the conference “Accessing to several modern international preschool education methods” on March 29th 2017.

The representatives at the conference

In order to share and exchanges opinions and methods in preschool education as well as recommend solution for improving the quality of care and teaching preschool children in VN, HNMU organized the conference “Accessing to several modern international preschool education methods” on March 29th 2017.

The representatives from MOET, lecturers from various universities and institution which are educating preschool education and teachers from different schools came to the conferences.

The conference received 50 reports from many institutes training preschool education major and experts all over the country. The reports focus on the importance of brain development at children, real investigation for preschool education in Vietnam, modem thoughts and method in educating children, solutions and models of child caring in Vietnam.

Prof. Dang Van Soa – Vice Rector of HNMU speaking at the conference

Prof. Dang Van Soa – Vice Rector of HNMU stated that the early years of a child was very important in building personality and developing personal abilities. Although infants themselves had their ability of learning and their brain could absorb information from the outside words which helped them understand the world and communicate. In fact, their learning can be limited by many factors such as physical conditions, awareness and emotions. If a child were cared and developed well from the early years, he would have strong base to develop even better in the future.

In Vietnam, Educators and parents have always sought for a natural and unpressured way of teaching children. The fact that a child shows his early intelligence is not the same as forcing them to learn hard at their small age.

There are different thoughts and methods to access modern education such as integrated approach, development approach, Steiner, Montessori, High Scope, Reggio Emilia, Glenn Doman or multiple intelligence, etc.

In Vietnam, the use of these modern thoughts and methods in educating preschool teachers has encountered many problems. In the assimilation time, institutes must adapt their training schedules; focus on studying new methods and approaches in order to connect learning with real work and social needs. As a result, the very important thing is the right orientation which helps train preschool teacher generation who can meet society’s requirements.

In this recent time, the conference held by HNMU has contributed to the orientation of the development of preschool education. The conference has attracted not only experts but also the whole society.


10/08/2018 16:02:27
2 minutes